¿cómo Está El Tiempo Hoy?

Resumen del Libro

libro ¿cómo Está El Tiempo Hoy?

¡Los niños aprenderán las palabras sencillas de español en este libro divertido y ilustrado, por ejemplo, soleado, calor, nublado, loviendo, viento, nevando, frío, hoy y el tiempo!(Children will learn simple Spanish words through this fun illustrated story, for example, sunny, hot, cloudy, raining, windy, snowing, cold, today and the weather!)There are so many different types of weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy and more! Which one is your favorite and what activities do you like to do? From sledding when it’s snowing to having a picnic on a cloudy day, young learners will enjoy the repetitive text and adorable illustrations. The perfect book for the aspiring meteorologist. Learn simple English words and phrases with the corresponding version What Is The Weather Like Today?

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