Los Matrimonios De Conveniencia
Los matrimonios de conveniencia, de complacencia o blancos son aquellos en los que interviene al menos un elemento subjetivo de extranjería y que se caracterizan por una ausencia total de consentimiento matrimonial, previamente acordada por los contrayentes. Mediante este tipo de enlaces el contrayente extranjero pretende la adquisición de la nacionalidad española en tiempo reducido,…
Luz En El Centro Histórico
Photographer Navarrete uses new digital technologies to capture details of the ex-Jesuit colonial church (Colegio Máximo de San Pedro y San Pablo) that now houses the Museo de la Luz and the decorations of its pillars, arches and ceilings, murals and stained glass windows created in 1922 by artists Roberto Montenegro, Jorge Enciso and Xavier…
Liberalismo Y Masonería En San Luis Potosí
A history of the impact of the Masonic movement in 19th century San Luis Potosi, with focus on historic origins in the state, secrecy of the order, divisions during liberal ascendancy, politics, the role of women, the church and the modern revolution.
A concise introduction, in Spanish, to the Episcopal Church, exploring what Episcopalians believe, the structure and leadership of the church, The Book of Common Prayer, and how the church is not a building, but rather the people of God — publishers website.
Panorama Social De América Latina
En la edición 2000-2001 del Panorama Social de América Latina se presta especial atención a la evolución y magnitud de la pobreza hacia finales de la década pasada, la desigualdad en la distribución del ingreso, la situación del empleo y desempleo, y el desempeño de los países en materia de incremento del gasto social y…
Santos Y Patronos
Con este libro, bellamente ilustrado, descubriremos por qué un santo en particular está asociado con una profesión específica.
Café Con Leche
Catalogue of the 2005 cultural and artistic activities of the Goethe Institute of Caracas organized around the contemporary social phenomenon of immigration and identity, especially in Venezuela and Germany. The institute reflects on the assimilative qualities of immigration and the marked influence left in Venezuelas cultural manifestations (visual arts exhibitions, cinema, theater, music and symposiums)…
La Caída De La Libertad
Helena y Colin, tras escapar de la masacre de Culloden, deben huir hacia las montañas para evitar ser encontrados por el ejército inglés y ejecutados por jacobitismo. Colin, cuya memoria sigue en blanco, no entiende qué hace esa mujer en su vida. Helena, que no se deja vencer por el desánimo de la pérdida de…
Fao Anuario
Provides data on total agricultural trade volume and value by region, imports and exports for agricultural merchandise and products by country in total and for specific products (fisheries, forestry, livestock, dairy products, grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, spices, seeds and farm machinery).
Learning From (and Capturing) Spaces: Memory And History In Mexico City Novels
In the selected novels by Ana Clavel, Gonzalo Celorio, Luis Gonzalez de Alba and Carlos Fuentes, the city appears not only as the setting but also as an interactive entity, full of complexities and contradictions wherein we find various functions and perceptions. The different plots unfold depicting their protagonists awareness, or lack thereof, of the…