Escritor: Pura Lopez Colome

Via Corporis

Via Corporis de Pura López Colomé, Premio Xavier Villaurrutia 2007, explora los malestares del cuerpo y los sentidos ocultos del lenguaje. En diálogo constante con 34 óleos de Guillermo Arreola, recreados a partir de viejas radiografías desechadas por el Hospital Siglo XXI, se ofrece un recorrido por los versos de una de las poetas mexicanas…

Mother Tongue

Pura Lopez Colomes true home is language rather than geographical place, and her poetry pays tribute to this debt to the mother tongue as source, origin, identity and consolation. She reflects on the nature of memory and its relationship to language, on the inescapability of the past, the possibility or impossibility of meaning, while resisting…