Escritor: Sol Robledo

Sopla Y Silba

Explains different types of winds, including global winds, trade winds, local winds, and breezes, and explores extreme wind weather, like hurricanes and tornadoes.

John Henry

Retells some of the legends of John Henry, an African-American hero who raced against a steam drill to lay railroad tracks on a mountain.

Paul Bunyan

Relates some of the legends of Paul Bunyan, a lumberjack said to be taller than the trees, who had a pet ox named Babe that he once hitched to a road that took too long to travel and had her pull it straight.

Paul Bunyan

Relates some of the legends of Paul Bunyan, a lumberjack said to be taller than the trees, who had a pet ox named Babe that he once hitched to a road that took too long to travel and had her pull it straight.