Más Grueso Que El Papel

Resumen del Libro

libro Más Grueso Que El Papel

The Palacio de Congresos de Catalunya-the Catalan Conference Center-is one of Carlos Ferraters most recent works, created in collaboration with Jose M. Cartana. This monograph on the buidling is an exhaustive analysis of the construction process, from the planning phase to its actual completion. As such, it will be a valuable book for those involved in the design of public buildings, as Ferrater is at the forefront of contemporary architecture. The building itself is divided into three sections, separated from each other by two interior streets that provide natural light for the rooms. The main entrance has a large vestibule and a hall with an amphitheater for 2,500 conference-goers. The central section can be subdivided into a multitude of smaller rooms and is reserved for more varied uses. The third and smallest section houses the cafeteria, offices, and other ancillary spaces.

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